License To Parent With Trace Embry

Entertainment Roles



Entertainment Roles In the past, by and large, Christian parents in America raised their kids to assimilate into the culture, but that was when American culture had, for the most part, accepted and lived by Judeo-Christian moral values. Today the cultural pendulum has swung far from any semblance of the biblical standard that once shaped it. So now we have to raise our kids in a more intentional way. One that prepares them to swim against the flow of our culture. Today we will be talking with Focus on the Family’s Adam Holz about the role entertainment might play not only in shaping our culture but in our homes and churches as well. Discussing Entertainment with Adam Holz Adam Holz served as an Associate Editor at NavPress Discipleship Journal and consulting Editor for Current Thoughts and Trends, Adam now oversees the editing and publishing of Plugged In’s Reviews. These are reviews of movies, games, books, and music. Adam is the site's director. He and his wife Jennifer have three children. In their free ti