Take Back Time: Time Management | Stress Management | Tug Of War With Time

Take Out Your HeadTrash With Noah St. John



What exactly is holding us back from having more, doing more, and being more? Whether it’s about money or productivity or something else entirely, the answer lies between our ears. And a lot of it is trash. Yes, and it’s okay to recognize that because we’re all human and we all have it.  But how can we ensure that we hold our head trash in check so we can be what we want to be and more? That’s what we’re talking in this episode with Noah St. John, a person who has probably written more books about this subject than anyone else in the world. In this conversation, we talk about how his “afformations” can help you get rid of your head trash in five minutes or less a day. We also talk about productivity, delegation and more things that you are bound to find interesting. Tune in and don’t be the one to miss it!Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast