Chats With Susan Burrell

Touching the Hidden Nature of Reality



Ep#248- Touching the Hidden Nature of Realtiy - An Interview with Spiritual Philosopher and Author, Peter Canova I am thrilled to welcome author and spiritual philosopher Peter Canova. In this episode of Empowering Chats we dive into Peter’s latest book, “Quantum Spirituality.” Peter shares his story about being in his twenties and having spiritual experiences that opened up a flood gate from him where he experienced being absorbed by a bright light the connection of the all. The knowing that we are all one and we are all connected. This experience changed the course of Peter’s life. And he began to write a trilogy of fictional books that tapped into mysticism and themes of spirituality. This process of writing fiction eventually led him to quantum physics and the overlapping of quantum physics and science with ancient spiritualism. Peter goes on to explain that it comes down to 3 overarching themes. Light, Energy and Matter. He continued to write and investigate which led him to make a gradual transfer to qu