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Sleep Smarter, Live Brighter: The Science Of Enhancing Productivity With James Swanwick



Transform your sleep, transform your life. Harness the power of blue light blocking glasses and optimal sleep practices to awaken your full potential. In today's episode, host Penny Zenker invites a special guest to dive deep into a topic that affects us all: sleep. James Swanwick, an Australian-American investor, entrepreneur, and speaker, is the creator of the alcohol-free lifestyle movement and the innovative blue light blocking glasses known as "Swannies." James shares how the “Swannies” glasses, scientifically proven to enhance sleep by 12% and increase productivity by 11%, can be a game-changer for those seeking a good night's rest in our technology-driven world. Throughout the episode, he sheds light on how simple adjustments to your daily routine can lead to transformative changes in your sleep patterns. From the impact of blue light and optimal sleep practices to quality sleep indicators and its transformative benefits, James covers everything that helps individuals get good sleep and a better life.