Behind The Brilliance

Cin Fabré on How She Conquered Wall Street



Cin Fabré is the personification of grit. We hear that word used in personal and professional development circles, but her story, her mindset, and her confidence truly reflects it. Growing up, Cin Fabré didn’t know anything about the stock market. But she learned how to hustle from her immigrant parents. Through a tip from a friend, Cin pushed her way into brokerage firm VTR Capital―an offshoot of Stratton Oakmont, the company where the Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort, had reigned. She instantly felt the pull of profit and knew she would do whatever she had to do to be successful. Pulling back the curtain on the inequities she and so many others faced, Cin’s memoir Wolf Hustle reveals how Cin worked grueling hours, ascending from cold caller to stockbroker, becoming the only Black woman to do so at her firm. She also reveals the excesses she took part in on 1990s Wall Street―the strip clubs, the Hamptons parties, the Gucci shopping sprees―while reveling in the thrill of making money. From landing clien