Impact Makers Podcast With Jennifer Mcclure

095: What Public Speakers Can Learn From Actors and Performers With Public Speaking Coach Adriana Baer



Ever been in front of a crowd with your heart racing, palms sweating, and mind in overdrive? Yep, I've been there too. That's why today, I'm excited to take you on a backstage journey into the fascinating world of public speaking. And who better to guide us than Adriana Baer, a stellar coach who equips leaders with powerful speaking skills, drawing from her rich theater background. Adriana opens up about how her theatrical past not only helped her face her own fears but also how it serves as a unique toolkit to empower her clients. She focuses on fostering a genuine connection with the audience, aligning with their goals, and digging deep to find that motivation. We dived deep into how a well-crafted narrative can completely transform your speech, keeping your audience hooked. Adriana graciously shared her method of helping clients achieve the perfect mix of structure and flexibility in their speeches. We also touched on the high-energy Disrupt HR format, where the challenge is to deliver an impactful present