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Breaking The Hustle Myth: Embrace Rest As Your Ultimate Reset Button With Nina Nesdoly



Rest isn't a reward for success; it's the foundation upon which success is built. In a world that glorifies non-stop hustle and constant productivity, have you ever paused to consider the role of rest in achieving your goals and maintaining your well-being? Join us as host Penny Zenker dives deep into the transformative topic of rest with the brilliant and insightful Nina Nesdoly, a TEDx speaker, stress and burnout prevention expert, and founder of Workplace Clarity. With her burnout journey, Nina shares how it compelled her to bridge the gap between neuroscience and practical strategies to help individuals and organizations prevent burnout, boost resilience, and cultivate a healthier work-life balance. From rethinking productivity to seeing rest as a reset, Nina encourages us to reimagine our approach to productivity and well-being. Tune in now!Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast/