Chats With Susan Burrell

The Vast Possibilities



Ep#247- The Vast Possibilites - A Solo Show with your host, Susan Burrell. This has been an interesting year – especially for me. I can’t believe it’s October already. I have been on an inner journey of expansion for most of this year. In fact, our theme for this year is “BE Expansive.”  And when my Team and I pick the theme we never quite know where it is going to take us. Well I gotta say it’s been a wild ride this year filled with many challenges but also with inspiring “aha” moments too. When I set the intention to be expansive it was also with the knowing that I wanted to make more connections and find new perspectives on how I view my life. And so, I ask you to also reflect on what has shown up for you during this path of expansiveness? The theme for October is Vast or Vastness. Vast is defined as, “A very great area.” Words used to describe vast or vastness include: Intense. Boundless. Endless. Extensive. Sweeping. What struck me about vastness was the idea of an empty vessel. The open expansiveness o