Impact Makers Podcast With Jennifer Mcclure

094: The Power of Human Connection: Lessons Learned on a Mission to Meet 10,000 New Friends With Rob Lawless



Today, we have a truly fascinating guest: Rob Lawless. Rob is on a mission to meet 10,000 people and he's spending one hour with each one of them. You heard it right! The tales from his journey are truly inspiring and filled with insights that you don't want to miss. Rob has managed to catch the attention of big names like The Kelly Clarkson Show and has even delivered speeches across the globe. Through this mission, he has underlined the remarkable power of human connection. As we dive deeper into his journey, we discuss how the dynamics of social media have transformed since he began his quest. From the moment he received a pivotal rejection email to when he signed a contract to speak in Bangalore, India, Rob's story is a testament to resilience and perseverance. More than just meeting people, he's been constructing a unique FRIEND Framework that includes family, relationships, industry, entertainment, needs, and dreams. Every interaction he has is an experience, an opportunity to make a connection more mea