Mindful Mama | Inspiration To Thrive Not Just Survive

The Science of Consciousness - Cassandra Vieten [98]



Hunter talks to Cassandra Vieten about tapping into the science of your consciousness. Some big takeaways from this episode include: 1. Meditation boosts mother-infant bonding 2. There is an interconnected layer of consciousness 3. Our minds have a powerful effect on our health & relationships Cassandra Vieten, Ph.D. president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Their work rests on the notion that limitations in human consciousness and in our understanding of it underlie many of the most pressing problems that face us as a global society (violence, inequity, misuse of resources). Fan of the Mindful Mama Podcast? Support it by leaving a quick review -----> on iTunes or on Stitcher (or wherever you listen!) ABOUT HUNTER CLARKE-FIELDS: Hunter Clarke-Fields is a mindfulness mama mentor. She coaches overstressed moms on how to cultivate mindfulness in their daily lives. Hunter is a certified Parent Effectiveness Training teacher and has over 20 years of experience in yoga & mindfulness practices. She has taught