Top Of Mind With Julie Rose

S4 E6: Public Education is in Crisis. Are Elected School Boards the Problem?



Ninety percent of America's kids go to public schools. But public education in America is in crisis, with test scores in every subject at their lowest point in decades. State and federal regulations have a say in what happens in schools, but most critical decisions are left to local school boards. Are elected school boards the root of the problem - or the key to a solution? Funding, facilities, busing, discipline policies, how teachers are placed in the district, and which curricula they use - all overseen by some 15,000 school boards chosen through local elections. But board members generally aren't required to have specific educational expertise - or even kids in the public school system. We are committed to democracy in this country and generally assume that electing people to make important decisions is best. How well is that working out for us when it comes to education? In this podcast episode we speak with a parent who helped recall school board members in San Francisco. We hear what it’s like to be a