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Navigating Complexity: Embracing Paradoxes For Leadership Excellence With Pam Harper



Embracing complexities as opportunities, not obstacles, can unleash our leadership potential.  Welcome to another episode of "Take Back Time," where we delve deep into the world of leadership, growth, and strategic decision-making. In this episode, host Penny Zanker engages in a captivating conversation with Pam Harper, CEO of Business Advancement Inc and author of Preventing Strategic Gridlock.  Together, they unravel the complexities of leadership and how embracing paradoxes can be the key to propelling your business forward. Pam calls out the critical distinction between what "should be happening" and what is truly occurring within an organization.  Diving into the concept of complexity, Penny and Pam recognize that we live in a world of contradictions – a realm of opportunities often disguised as challenges.  They shed light on the Growth Igniters Paradoxes, three fundamental enigmas that emerge amid uncertainty and ambiguity. Pam discusses how to recognize these paradoxes and transfor