Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP429 If We Can Keep It with Xi Van Fleet



Our guest today is Xi Van Fleet. Xi is the author of “Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning.” Xi grew up in Mao’s China. She spent her entire school years in the turmoil of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, but attended college in the US. Xi has never been politically involved, but like many Americans, 2020 has become a turning point for her. Compelled by her personal experience under Mao and the realization that the Chinese Cultural Revolution she lived through is taking place here in America, she has committed herself to the mission of educating American people about the horror of Socialism/Communism, and warn them of the danger of Cultural Marxist Woke Revolution that is threatening our country. Her up-coming book “Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning” will be available in October 2023. 1) Part of your story is that after high school you and other urban youths were forced to work in the fields for 3 years to be re-educated by the peasants. Help us understand what is meant by “re-educated”? 2) You earned maste