S.t.a.g. Night Staffs - Plastic Tree Records, Staffordshire University

1 Welcome to Staffs, Union officer interviews, welcome week



I belive that the first podcast has stopped working, so this should work!!The very first Stag Night Staffs Podcast!! In this edition, Steve and Gaz chat about their experiences of freshers week at Staffordshire university and what you have to look forward to during yours. There are interviews from Commercial Services Officer James Alcock from the Students Union, Sales Coordinator Raj Soni, Communications Officer Yuki Lo, and Stafford Welcome Week Site Manager Richard Bowering.Any comments, suggestions, or questions, contact us at stagnightstaffs@hotmail.co.uk, check out the myspace at myspace.com/stagnightstaffs.Coming soon, the launch of University Record Label, Plastic Tree Records. Stay tuned!!