The Essential Oil Revolution | Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, And Healthy Living By Samantha Lee Wright |powered By Revolution

337: How Trauma is Promoting Weight Gain and Disease w/ Wendy Myers



When it comes to mental health, in the words of Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, "Yapping doesn't work!" Today on our show we dive into the limitations of talk therapy, and the many solutions to help you heal your emotional traumas that could be contributing to your weight issues or disease. #1 best-selling author, Dr. Wendy Myers joins us to share about her personal journey of emotional detoxing and the tools you can start using today to begin to heal. See full show notes for this episode HERE. Leave us a review while you’re there. Learn more about Wendy Myers on her site HERE and get your emotional detox masterclass HERE. Attend Wendy's next webinar on Emotional Detoxing: HERE. Find Wendy on IG at @myersdetox or on Facebook at @myersdetox Lookin’ for some podcast goodies? I’ve got ya covered! Shop our t-shirts, swag, and other popular products HERE New to essential oils? Here is my free guide to help you demystify this topic  FREE Essential Oils Guide. Our website is View hundreds of E