Touching Lives With Dr. James Merritt

In the Meantime



There are three days that we believe are the most important days on the calendar of any believer. There is what I call our “birthday.” By that I mean you come to the realization that you are a sinner and you need a Savior. So you repent of your sins, place your faith in Jesus, and surrender to Him as the Lord of your life. You are “born-again.” The second day is what I call “moving day.” That is the day we die, the day that we transition from this earth to be with the Lord. And then the third day is what I call “resurrection day.” That is when our bodies are raised from the dead and we receive a brand-new body, an eternal body. With all of that in mind, we must consider this question, “What happens in the meantime between moving day and resurrection day?” That’s exactly what we’re going to look at today.