Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

29. Living AND Working with your Partner



Get the MP3 and transcript here: Welcome, and today we’re talking about working and living with the same person, how we’re going to run our businesses and our relationships successfully when your partner at home is also your partner in the business. If you get it wrong it can have dire consequences not only on the business front, but it can end a relationship as well. I’ve lived and worked with the same person for about twenty years now. Now there are some amazing benefits, but there are a lot of down sides as well; you’ve got to be really careful. Firstly you’ve got to start with the end in mind. Are you going to be selling the business at some stage, is the idea that one partner leaves the business, what happens if you split up? You need to have these difficult conversations before you embark on working together. Sometimes they are hard conversations, but you have to get an agreement in the end. Secondly you have to agree on the big stuff, you have to be pushi