Ask Win

E: 18 S: 16 Win Charles interviews Jodi Kay Benusa on being a Social Worker



Ask Win: Ask Win sponsor: Please donate to Ask Win by going to Payment Venmo Win1195 at Win Kelly Charles’ Books: Win Kelly Charles' MONAT: On Ask Win today (Sunday, November 27, 2022), Best-Selling Author, Win C welcomes Jodi Kay Benusa. As a Social Worker and seasoned Inpatient Discharge Planner at a Level II inpatient setting for over 15 years, combined with Certifications in Social Work, Care Management, and Advanced Steps of Advanced Care Planning Facilitation, Jodi Kay has over two years of experience working with residents and families in the nursing home setting. She has a well-defined skill set and superior knowledge to creatively assist you in planning the future of your loved one--specifically with what next steps are right. Jodi Kay tactically created Midwest Geriatric Consulting Servies, LLC as a consumer na