Vinyl Burns Radio Show

The Reverend Doctor Vinyl Burns Radio Show E10



Here's the playlist: The Reverend Doctor Vinyl Burns Radio Show E10 Hottentot - John Schofield Stronger than Jesus - A Camp Panic in Detroit - Christian Death Too much of a good thing - Lloyd Cole The guards themselves - Minuit Always and forever - Pat Metheney Back in the Circus - Jonatha Brooke Round the lake - Paul Weller Arena - Suuns Atomic Bomb - Fluke Bad Guy - Mindy Smith Where the streets have no name - U2 Juliette - Crooked Fingers Los Angeles - Denison Witmer First time high - Of Montreal Rodeo - Zazie Hey there Trav(?), this is father Vince. How is it going? Oh yeah, I just found Vince coming at here, into the installment, another edition of Maestro(?). Listen to Mr John Scofield. Here we're dropping at a few times throughout this in installment(?) keep most company sitting at the back while have a chance cos it's I'm in a booth, I'm in the booth, ___ the town. I'm in a new town, I'm feeling, feeling it, having caught up with the guys here but I am gonna catch him a bit later