The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

530 Leading When You Are Depressed



The boss is the light on the hill, radiating positive energy, belief, confidence and possibility.  The moody boss can destroy the atmosphere in the office very quickly.  We all know that, so we have to become expert thespians, masking our true feelings and putting on a fun face to the outside world.  When things get tough, there are no people the boss can talk to, so all of the pressure gets bottled up in one person.  When things are not going well with the results and particularly when the profits are not where they need to be, the pressure really starts to pile on.  How can the boss function when any normal person would be laid waste with depression, insecurity, imposter syndrome and self-doubt? As the boss, it is difficult to share the issues with your life partner, because you feel you are bringing them down too and they have almost zero influence on improving things to help you. That is why the boss tends to keep everything stitched up tightly inside.  There has to be a release though, or the pressure ca