Mike Safo

Mike Safo with Madison Younginer, Former Atlanta Braves Pitcher



Joined today by former Atlanta Brave Pitcher, Madison Younginer. Madison talks about growing up in South Carolina, the food he misses most when he's on the road and other sports he played as a child. We chat about being the Gatorade player of the year in South Carolina, what other schools besides Clemson had a shot at getting him, and how crazy his H.S. games were with all the scouts. We go over mock drafts, selecting a family advisor and how he found out that he was drafted by the Boston Red Sox. We discuss reporting to the minor leagues, playing with Mookie Betts, Elsbury, Victorino, and other future stars. Madison opens up about his injuries while in the minors, mentally dealing with the changing of destinations, and how he dealt with the roller coaster of emotions with every good and bad start. We hear about how Madison's night started with putting whiskey into a cup and ended with him getting notified that he was going to the Major Leagues. He talks about his first game in St. Louis, his first strike out