Awesome With Alison

Ep. 56: Finding your voice, value and contribution with Jessica Dahlquist.



Have you ever heard people talk about their, “story” and thought, “what’s mine?” or “I wish mine was interesting and/or important”? Jessica is one my oldest and best friends, as well as the host of the successful Extraordinary Moms podcast! After interviewing and sharing the stories of over 200 women —Jessica is a freaking EXPERT at helping other people recognize their “story”. In this episode we’ll not only explore what THAT EVEN MEANS, but Jessica will also break down step-by-step how to start understanding what you have to contribute in this world, how to value your unique voice, how to start TAKING ACTION, and I KID YOU NOT will have you believing what you have to offer is more than enough, it’s extraordinary. GAH I’M ALREADY CRYING! You’ll laugh too, and you’re going to be so inspired and love it! Awesome with Alison is supported by listeners LIKE YOU! If you have found value in this episode, or any others! Support the podcast! Eric's closing song is "Booga