Awesome With Alison

Ep. 86: Inspired Action vs. Frantic Action!



We all know action is good...yes?! MORE ACTION PLEASE! But what I’m personally working on in my life is this idea of inspired action, or working with ease and working in the flow vs. frantic, stressful, action which is often fueled by scarcity and leads to anxiety and quitting! I’m checking in with you on how YOUR year is going, where you want to be 6 months from now, and offering you three things that taking more inspired action will require of you! You can do it, and you’ll love it! Want to empower yourself with better thoughts and set clear goals? Get out BEST YEAR EVER Worksheet by texting bestyearever to 31996 Want a system to help you take more inspired action? Check out: Awesome with Alison is supported by listeners LIKE YOU! If you have found value in this episode, or any others! Support the podcast! Eric's closing song is "Deathbeat" by his band New Shack. New album drops 8/19