Grouchy Club Podcast - Kate Copstick & John Fleming

Populist comedy v the Oxbridge elite - Grouchy Club Podcast 100



The snooty sneering of the Oxbridge elite and some comics against popular humour. Variable opinions on The Weirdos and the Alternative Comedy Memorial Society. The talent of Luisa Omielan. The irresistible sexual attraction of Italian comic Giacinto Palmieri. The inability of comics like Michael McIntyre, Frank Carson & Matthew Kelly to stop being themselves. Copstick’s work with Basil Brush and her admiration for the Chuckle Brothers. Coughing John’s failure to visit Amsterdam’s red light district and his attraction to heroin + LSD. The success of one Malcolm Hardee Comedy Award. The BBC’s Appreciation Index. Plus Copstick sings.John’s quote of the week: “Beheading teddy bears! That’s what the public wants!… There was the man who used to eat his brain.” can also download this audio podcast from iTunes Fleming posts occasional blogs at: