Refreshing Bread

From Death to Life (S2E25)



Meditation by Fr. Cristian Laslo In today’s Gospel Jesus is ready to enter in Jerusalem as the true Son of Man, like the old kings of Israel. His disciples are preparing the colt on which no one has ever sat, the crowds are spreading their garments on the road, and leafy branches, crying out loud “Hosanna!...” The King is bringing the new life to the mankind. A very ridiculous trend in every generation is to be concerned about the end of the world, about the apocalypse. If not, we are investing time in all kind of projects or hobbies, neglecting more and more the most important project which is our soul. And most of us have forgot that we have a soul, the living part of our existence, the only part that is everlasting and will live after our bones will be dried out and our memory long forgotten. This week's Gospel wants to remind us about the true meaning of our life, describing us a very human face of our Savior. In chapter 11 from Mark, we meet Jesus as he’s approaching to Jerusalem for the last time. He i