

If you want to properly study what it means to be a Christian, you need to study God. As Charles Spurgeon once preached in 1855, “The highest science, the loftiest speculation, the mightiest philosophy which can ever engage the attention of a child of God is the name, the nature, the Person, the work, the doings and the existence of the great God whom he calls his Father.”   And so, in this sermon, we contemplate our great God from Exodus 3:13­–15. In this passage, we find a dialogue between Moses and God that reveals some amazing attributes about who God is and what our response should be to Him.   1) What was God trying to communicate about Himself to Moses (and us) when He described Himself as "I AM WHO I AM" and "I AM"? The Lord was communicating that He is The Lord was communicating that He is The Lord was communicating that He is The Lord was communicating that He is   2) What are three implications of this massive reality that God is "I AM WHO I AM" and "I AM"? Jesus Christ is the I