Susan Allan's Podcast

Episode 2 How to Create Sobriety with the most challenging Addictions using Susan Allan’s Heartspace® System for Sobriety



Welcome to Evolution Revolution! My name is Susan Allan and the purpose of Evolution Revolution is to introduce you to new breakthroughs in the human potential movement that offer you transformation and peace. This episode features Arno Jaffe, a prominent immigration attorney in Santa Barbara who is the father of two wonderful sons, and whose younger son was a homeless person living in San Francisco for 6 years. This show is the “How To” for those of you facing similar challenges. The Heartspace® System for Sobriety. Provided the skills, tools and support that Arno needed to motivate and inspire his son who was addicted to crystal meth, one of the most difficult of drug addictions to end. I asked Arno, “Would you like to learn how to motivate and inspire your son to get clean and stay clean for the rest of his life?” This episode is about the program that I created which requires 1 Committed Family Member in addition to traditional 12 Step Programs for addicts. HOW TO END ADDICTION with THE HEARTSPACE® SYSTE