Sylvania Ucc Sermon Cast!




My mom is a gift-giver. Each and every Christmas growing up, there would be a pile of presents under the tree. My mom was a blue-collar, hardworking, single mom. We didn’t get much during the rest of the year as we were so busy surviving and working and running to and from our various activities. Yet each Christmas, we felt rich. One Christmas, there weren’t as many presents. Just two or three to my sister and me. And then one present had both of our names on it. My sister and I were puzzled, but my mom never disappointed. We saved that one for last, and when we opened it, we shouted and jumped up and down. It was a SEGA Genesis. An expensive game console at the time. It had to have cost her at least a month’s wages. It was an extravagant gift. Two years ago, I remodeled our master bathroom. With the help of my neighbor Eric, I ripped out everything, down to the studs. We then spent the next 4 months building it back. I learned how to tile and drywall. It was aggravating and wonderful. I grew closer to Eri