The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

529 The Boss As Business Coach



I am always amused by rather youngish “life coaches” or “executive coaches”.  It seems incongruent, because their experience of business life seems so thin.  They haven’t risen inside their organisations, have never had massive responsibilty or a major P&L to worry about.  They seem to be everywhere and astoundingly they find people willing to give them money.  The person best able to provide coaching should be the boss and not some external freelance coach.  Bosses though often restrict their coaching to the detail of the task and don’t really educate their people on life success.  Part of the reason is the way we were all brought up in business. Work was over here and life outside of work was in a different basket and the boss’s role was to stick with one and not get involved in the personal business of the staff.  That is changing though and the demand is bottom up. Younger people want more coaching, advice and direction and not just about tasks.  They expect more from the boss than previous generation