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Ep. 48 | Dr. Charlie Bamforth | Distinguished Professor of Malting & Brewing Sciences | Live from Track 7 Brewing in Sacramento, CA



Very few people – if any – know more about beer than Dr. Charlie Bamforth. While the recently-retired UC Davis Professor of Malting & Brewing Sciences has many accomplishments and titles, in the beer world, he is affectionately referred to as the “Pope of Foam.” Beer-lovers, you won’t want to miss this one! From starting his beer career at Bass to his time as the President of the Institute of Brewing and Distilling, Charlie has seen the world and the beer that goes along with it. In this episode, you’ll hear Charlie share some of his most profound beer knowledge, stories from his travels and experiences, and even some hot takes on beer pong! Wit and wisdom color this episode from start to finish, and retirement-aside, expect to see plenty more from Charlie for years to come, whether it’s about beer, soccer, or otherwise. After you listen, make sure to head over to to leave a comment and sign-up for the monthly “Brewsletter.” Cheers!