Pubcast Worldwide

Ep. 58, Pt. 2 | Chilean Craft Beer Edition | Live from El Honesto Mike in Santiago, Chile



We’re back for the second half of our 2-part Chilean beer series. This time, we’ll be venturing into one of Santiago’s best craft beer bars, El Honesto Mike. From the skate punk vibes to the large mix of both California and Chilean craft beers, El Honesto Mike has a draw that is sure to capture the hearts of craft beer nerds that finds themselves in South America. In this episode, Bar Owner Ben Wood and Cicerone Tomas Ignacio Gajardo – a.k.a. “Tommy G” – team up behind the microphone to give us a rundown of the relatively young Chilean craft beer scene and its creative search for identity. Get ready to learn about some exotic beers and an honest assessment of how their beer scene has evolved since the turn of the century. After you listen, make sure to head over to to leave a comment and sign-up for the monthly “Brewsletter.” Cheers!