Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

#149 - The Wall or The Way | Join Our Emotional Healing Retreat



"The Wall or The Way" is both a reflection from Wendy K Laidlaw on memories of emotional healing and personal growth and an invitation for 'Super Sensitive Souls' to join her for emotional healing in the upcoming 'Emotional Healing Retreat' led by her personally, this October in Portugal. The podcast starts with Wendy's reflection on a recent emotionally intense experience where she watched someone she admired succumb to the poison, negativity and manipulation of a toxic individual who newly entered her life. She then talks about the dangers of seeking external validation for self worth and the challenges of societal conditioning, conformity, and toxic influences that may hinder emotional well-being. Many individuals face pressure to conform to societal norms and appearances, often leading to emotional distress and self-doubt. She highlights the paradox of seeking happiness externally and introduces the concept of peace, joy and happiness being an "inside job" and for achieving emotional well-being and authen