Long Story Short

Allied powers block key UN agreement and Germany's aid cuts



This week we brokehttps://www.devex.com/news/exclusive-us-allies-block-major-un-development-declaration-106006 on the United States, the United Kingdom, and a handful of allied powers blocking an agreement on a draft declaration that advocates the need to accelerate progress on a set of critical development goals, throwing a spanner into high-level negotiations ahead of the United Nations General Assembly taking place next month. In the United Kingdom, an inquiry has been told that development assistance rules are denying “vulnerable” https://www.devex.com/news/exclusive-us-allies-block-major-un-development-declaration-106006, or SIDS, the help they need to combat the climate emergency as they are classified as “too rich” to receive funding. The U.K. government also received strong criticism for its aid being used to fund thehttps://www.devex.com/news/uk-faces-criticism-for-funding-soccer-in-china-amid-aid-cuts-106031, even as spending reductions are predicted to lead to thousands of deaths this year across