Brand Yourself

235: Why Happiness is Key to Unlocking Your Success with Brandi Mechele



Brandi Mechele is a happiness, intuitive, and empowerment coach who currently spends her time guiding others in their pursuit of happiness. She has extensive experience working with high-achieving female entrepreneurs, helping them align with financial success while staying true to their values and purpose. While they might initially come to her to scale their business and make more money, they leave with a deeper sense of fulfillment within their lives on a holistic level. In this episode, we chat about her experience achieving all levels of success in her life - from academics to her career, but not finding the fulfillment she really wanted, and how this sparked her interest in how to cultivate it from within, her decision to leave behind a demanding corporate job to be more present for her son and how creating space to do the inner work too helped her discover her true purpose, what it looked like for her to develop her propriety method as a coach, start taking on clients, and become a go-to happiness expe