

As Paul wraps up his letter to the Ephesians, he gives one final charge to stand firm in the faith. And to do so, he uses the imagery of a Roman soldier armed for battle as an analogy of spiritual armament.   In this sermon, we’ll explore what the Armor of God is all about.   1) The Reason for the Armor   We need the Armor of God because we are embroiled in a spiritual battle.   The Bible tells us supernatural evil does exist, and his operations are far more subtle than we might expect. The evil one, Satan, is the father of lies, and he uses lies to leave a mark on our soul. Satan lies to over-inflate or deflate us. And both lies serve the same purpose: to drive us away from God.   The only way we can stand firm against the lies of the devil are with the Armor of God. But how does the armor work?   2) The Function of the Armor   We are armored with Gospel identity.   We have truth as your base layer protection against the lies of the evil one. Remember the truth of the Gospel: we are far mo