Your Working Life With Caroline Dowd-higgins

Remote Work Can Change the World with Barbie Brewer



Barbie Brewer, author of Live and Let Lead began her career in Silicon Valley during the boom of the ’90s and is now an industry-leading expert in developing critical areas of modern business performance and culture, including remote and hybrid workforces. As Chief Culture Officer at GitLab Inc., Brewer contributed to the all-remote SAS company’s growth from 150 employees to over 1,000 in more than 60 countries. She was Vice President of Talent for Netflix when the streaming service expanded from 20 million subscribers to over 150 million. Learn more at ,     Why Remote Work Can Change Both the Workplace and the World   This is a segment about why remote work, and the diversity it allows, is good for business—and good for the world.   The big idea: Remote work might have been a reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, but forward-thinking companies now recognize its potential to transform the workplace by helping employees achieve better work-