Noob Spearo Podcast

NSP:234 Spearfishing: It's Better With a Buddy | Brad Corbett



Interview with Brad Corbett Todays interview is with Brad Corbett, aka @zulus64! In celebration of world friendship day, Shrek sat down with local legend Brad in a closed-for-the-day Adreno Aspley store to chat about spearfishing! Brad is a regular out in the ocean and has hunted some awesome fish, he gives us some of his tips on being a better hunter and how good dive buddies = more fish. Being ex-military and an ex-corrections officer, Brad has a good sense of risk and risk management, hear stories of some close calls where being in the water with a buddy made the difference between life and death. All this and more in today's episode, let us know your thoughts in the comments!   Important times: 00:13 Intro 06:00 Welcome Brad - World Friendship Day! 08:50 Buddy diving produces more fish 10:15 Buddy diving keeps you and your buddies safe and alive 13:15 Spearfishing/freediving courses 14:35 Pure froth moments 16:25 Spearfishing as a team sport and dealing with high risk situations 20:40 Buddying up: shooti