

The Gospel shapes all of life. The Gospel doesn’t just matter on Sundays, the Gospel matters ALL days. It saturates and permeates and consecrates every facet of our lives.   And to illustrate how the Gospel shapes all of life, Paul then goes to the heart of where most people do life: at work and at home. And Paul says, let me show you how the Gospel radically transforms those everyday relationships!   In Ephesians 6:1–9, we’ll explore eight principals for these relationships, two for each party in our text: supervisors and employees, and parents and children.   1) The Gospel at Work: Supervisors and Employees   Principle #1 for Supervisors: Leadership is about service.   If you’re in management, a landlord, an owner, or a boss, as a follower of Jesus you’re there to serve. Remember, Jesus made Himself the servant of all when He washed His disciples’ feet. Leadership is NOT about privilege. It’s about service.   And no matter how high you go, no matter how big your office, no matter what circles y