The Marie Forleo Podcast

370 - How To Stop Overthinking — and Make a Decision Already!



Overthinking again? You’re not alone. Smart, ambitious people like you get stuck in indecision ALL the time. After all, you only have a limited amount of time and energy each day. And you definitely DON’T want to waste it chasing the wrong goal, relationship, or business idea. So how do you figure out your next right step? In this #MarieTV, you’ll learn the exact process I use to clarify what’s most important. So you can make your next move with total confidence. Plus, discover how to quit overthinking and recognize the BIG signs you’re on the right track so you never second guess yourself again. WHAT’S COVERED IN THIS EPISODE: The exact process to follow to discover your next step in life. [1:57] How to quit overthinking — and make the right decision, every time.  [5:20] The permission slip you didn’t know you needed.  [6:14] Unignorable signs you’re on the right track. [7:24] The sneaky scarcity mindset most entrepreneurs have (but don’t know it!).  [7:47] Thanks for listening! New episodes drop every Tuesd