Editor and Publisher Reports

199 Meet The Washington Post’s new GenZ voice - Renee Yaseen



In early June of 2023, The Opinions and “Next Gen" teams of The Washington Post announced that Renee Yaseen would be their newest Op-Ed columnist. But unlike some venerable, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists who publish their prose under the iconic one hundred fifty-year-old Post masthead, Yaseen is not listed as a company employee but instead uses the title in her byline: Post Grad Intern. Her twice-weekly column, Post Grad, is published as a free newsletter inviting readers to gain “tips and advice from a recent graduate who will help navigate job hunting, moving, budgeting, relationships and more.” Yaseen did graduate from the University of Notre Dame with a BA in economics and minors in theology and PPE (Philosophy, Politics & Economics). While attending classes remotely during COVID, she founded a tech startup called FriendOver, a company designed to help young children stay active and social during the pandemic. FriendOver helped thousands and won major Notre Dame awards that included the McClosk