Moody Presents

2023-07-29 Moving Forward When You are Sliding Back part 1



It's time for MOODY PRESENTS with Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. We’ve made it through to our last message in the Nehemiah series.  What an amazing time of learning to rebuild!  As a reminder, please make sure you visit Moody Presents DOT org for all of our past messages in this series.  But for today,  this.. is a wake-up call, a re-awakening back to a formal calling.  For the last two weeks in Nehemiah here on Moody Presents we’re talking about family and worship.  Restoring the centrality of worship and restoring the spiritual integrity of our relationships. In Nehemiah 13 verse 15, here now is Pastor Mark Jobe…See for privacy information.