Podcast Talent Coach

YouTube Or Podcast – PTC 450



This question has come up multiple times this week. Which is better to build your authority and grow your business – YouTube or a podcast? Should you spend your content time creating videos for YouTube or creating a podcast? You're not going to like my answer. I love podcasting. But, YouTube is also amazing. Your podcast allows you to create powerful relationships with your listeners. YouTube is a powerful search engine that is tough to match. So, which is better to embrace? Which one is better to grow your business? Well, it depends. What are you trying to accomplish? DIFFERENT Many people see YouTube and podcasting as two strategies to reach the same goal. That's simply not the case. In 1928 in Schenectady, New York, WRGB became the first television station in the United States. Soon after, people started announcing the death of radio. Now that you could see your favorite shows on video, why would you ever listen to the radio? Yet radio adapted and survived. It even thrived. The golden age of radio was the