Mason Vera Paine

Find out how the Small Business Administration can help you start your business



The Small Business Administration is an invaluable resource for those seeking to launch their own business; but many are unaware of how exactly it can help you. Region Five Administrator, Geri Sanchez Aglipay; gives insights on the Small Business Administration and how it can help you. For information about the services SBA provides, visit: SBA.govLike the SBA on Twitter at: and Follow on SBA on Facebook at: Mason Vera Paine and Geri Aglipay: SBA Transcription 00:00 – Announcer: Mason Vera Paine.  00:01 – Mason: When it comes to entrepreneurship, many people don't know what resources are available to them and how to utilize them. One of those resources is the Small Business Administration or the SBA. Joining me to speak about this organization is Region 5 Administrator Geri Sanchez Aglipay. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Geri. 00