Time To Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott

Take A Chance And Manifest Your Dreams ~ Guest Sheina Hemstreet



Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  What would it feel like to be able to manifest your dreams? Have you ever felt a “pull” to go in a different direction that you didn’t feel like you could resist? What if that feeling was actually a message from the universe to help you see your unique gifts and purpose? And what if following that pull would help you manifest a life that you didn’t even know was possible? Would you be willing to follow it and take a leap of faith? Sheina Hemstreet and her husband Kevin made a decision in the midst of a worldwide pandemic to sell their home and buy a restaurant on Manitoulin Island. Sheina believed that this was a direction and a move that they needed to make and once the decision was made, everything fell into place almost effortlessly and they were on the road to their new home and their new life in a matter of weeks. The surprising thing was the other doors that opened and the other options that became available to them as a result of trusting Sheina’s intuition and m