Time To Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott

Be Discerning! Whose Voice Do You Give Power? ~ Jackie Mott



Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  Have you ever had a conversation with someone when you were really excited or proud of something, and their reaction left you feeling deflated? If you have, you’ll know how much that can hurt your heart and cause you to doubt what may be exactly the right decision for you. We must be discerning about whose voices we give power and how/when/if we expose ourselves to the people we know won’t be our cheerleaders. When you learn to be discerning, you quickly figure out which relationships and which people will support you and cheer you on, and which people you maybe should tell later, if you tell them at all. Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive, “Be Discerning! Whose Voice Do You Give Power?”, for a conversation about discerning whose voice you should listen to and how to reframe the ones that don’t serve you.   Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom ~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott~  Jac