Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

If I Wait, Things Will Get Better ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  How many times have you thought, I just need to wait this out... things will get better sooner or later? Has that ever worked for you before? Waiting patiently for something greater to show up without really taking any responsibility at all? In this episode of Big Fat Lies, we will shine the light on the lies of waiting for things to get better instead of stepping into your CEO energy and choosing the route to a truly delightful outcome instead of simply "better than" the crap that is showing up right now. By the end of this episode you will have: 3 Questions to ask to know if this is a temporary slump or if you are headed right to shitsville and had better make a u-turn. 3 places to look to know what's next for you, that you can choose to guarantee not only a "better than" outcome, a delightful one. Join Jennifer for Big Fat Lies, every Friday at 1PM Pacific and 4PM Eastern on Inspired Choices Network. ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer i