Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

I’m Not Happy and Other Big Fat Lies



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  I’m not Happy and Other Big Fat Lies Are you caught in the “I’m Not Happy Trap? Do you compare yours to other people’s lives and give yourself a failing grade causing you to FEEL very Not Happy? In this week’s episode of Big Fat Lies, we will be talking about the BFL’s of Happiness, Getting Happy and that you “should” be a happier person. #ugh Listen to this show if you are asking questions like: HOW DO I GET HAPPIER // HOW DO I STOP FEELING SAD // DO I HAVE DEPRESSION // DO I HAVE ANXIETY // WHAT DO PEOPLE TO TO GET HAPPIER? // WHY AM I NOT HAPPY But beware, Jennifer has a completely different take on what getting and being happy is all about, get ready to open your eyes to the Big Fat Lies of “I am not happy” and see all the places where even saying the words is keeping the happiness and the fun away from you and your business. Reach out to Jennifer about how to transform how you feel about your business, open your eyes to how much happier, more profitable and master