Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How To Take A Vacation As A Small Business Owner



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  This week we get practical. It’s the season that you will be looking to take some vacation for your mental and physical health, but how do you do that without regretting it? I will share my top tips and tools for taking a vacation, while still keeping your business lights on and not regretting it. Imagine, sitting at a sparkling candle lit table somewhere glamorous with no need to look at your schedule, your social feeds or anything else, just being fully immersed in the present.. Instead of your last vacation where you sat for hours in the hotel business centre trying to get that document scanned into the correct folder so your client could access it. Let’s not do that. Sometimes you regret your last vacation from your business so much that you are not excited to think about having another.. Let me share my tips and tricks that I learned from my previous career as a property manager responsible for millions of dollars worth of real estate and over a thousand “doors”.