Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How to Give Up Being Right ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  How to Give Up Being Right Hello beautiful being, are you suffering from the need to have the right answer to all the questions all the time? Is this causing chaos in your business and your personal life when you have to be right? This week is an auspicious week to open the container of “rightness” and see what we can understand about ourselves and move into a space of merciless forgiveness, of ourselves, of our history and of our choices, beyond need and the "right answer". Imagine remembering that you don’t have all the answers and that might be part of what your divine mission is? What if you could be ok that life is sometimes a shitshow and it’s not up to you to solve anything or have the right direction to take and just let it go? Don’t want to wait for next lifetime to get it right? I suggest you join me live and participate in the show. But beware, nothing will ever be the same again. Jennifer’s clients are experiencing quantum leaps in how they approach their b