Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How to Be the Luckiest Person in the World



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello beautiful being, what if you could be much more lucky than you are currently? What would you wish for? What would you manifest if you knew you could make it come true? Is stress over what things will work, be lucky and manifest properly leaving you exhausted and taking all the time you might be using to enjoy your personal life and family? What if manifesting your inner rainmaker could be the key to true happiness for your future? ------- download Jennifer’s Overgiver Solution at --------- This week is an auspicious one to open the container and have a look at all the places and spaces where serendipity is chasing us down and we are evading capture I promise, by the end of this live show, you will have so many ways to be aware of your own personal luck signature, what channel your personal rainmaker is broadcasting on and how to fine tune it into a science. But beware, nothing will ever be the same again. Jennifer’s clients are experiencing